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Yoga workshop & kirtan with Ron & Meenakshi

Meenakshi & Ron

One of yoga world´s most influential and acknowledged couples has exceptionally accepted invitation to teach in Helsinki 24.10.-26.10.2014! The place will be announced soon. The workshop will be held in the center of Helsinki.

We will be privileged to experience their multifaceted yoga knowledge and learn ashtanga mysore, vinyasa flow, kirtan (chanting) and philosophy studies with them.


(Friday 6.45-9.00 Mysore (price 25 €)) drop-in!
(Fri-Sun: Early bird 240 € (260 €),
Sat-Sun: Early bird 220 € (240 €).

Early bird prize valid till 16.08.2014. (booked and paid full)

Please register before 23.10.2014 at 10:00.


World-renowned ashtanga, yoga philosophy and vinyasa flow teachers RON & MEENAKSHI do not travel teaching so much anymore, but we are happy to announce that they will teach in Helsinki 24-26.10.2014! Do not miss this, if you are looking for true teachers of the heart of yoga.

Ron ReidRON REID has been practicing yoga for 30 years and teaching since 1988. In 1996 after practicing Ashtanga yoga for two years he traveled to India to study with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Ron seeks to make the practice of yoga interesting and enjoyable and sees it as being integral to a state of well-being, approaching teaching in an inspired, informed and non-dogmatic way. He places the needs of the students ahead of the demands of the practice.

While continuing to teach and practice the ashtanga vinyasa system as a foundation, he endeavors to blend tradition with innovation, and to balance precision with grace.

MeenakshiMEENAKSHI (Marla Joy) first traveled to India in 1988 to study meditation and the philosophy of the Vedas with Swami Shyam, as well as other learned scholars in the Himalayas. She is a Certified Meditation and Yoga Philosophy teacher from the International Meditation Institute in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas.

She currently teaches Ashtanga Yoga, Swaha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yogadance, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Sanskrit, and Chanting. She has been teaching Sanskrit and yoga philosophy, as well as Restorative Yoga in Teacher Training courses since 1999. Marla has been a practicing Shiatsu Therapist since 1993, and has a healing and informative touch. She also leads Kirtan (call-and-response chanting) with her band SWAHA, with inspired musical compositions with her partner/keyboardist, Ron Reid. She has produced four CD’s of Sanskrit chanting entitled “Prayer’s”, “Salutations”, “Vishnu’s Dream”, and “Bolo!


With Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy

Friday 24.10.

6.45-9.00 Morning Mysore (drop-in 25€, if not participate in the whole workshop!)

19-20.30 Kirtan
Kirtan is a separate event from the Workshop, that is why separate payment!!!
workshop participants: 10€
others paid in advance: 15€
others at the door: 20€

Kirtan is a devotional path that started centuries ago in India. Bypassing the mind and going straight to the heart leaves us feeling brighter, happier and more integrated and connected. In this evening we will weave together satsang, discussion, stories, chanting and meditation to embrace the path of bhakti yoga and experience the heart of compassion towards ourselves, how we view our lives and practice, towards others and towards the planet as a whole. Swaha travels internationally and has composed 4 Cd’s and “Shanti Pulse” for Yoga classes.

Saturday 25.10.

MYSORE ENHANCED builds on the traditional Mysore approach first established by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India by including a therapeutic component, with informed verbal and hands-on adjustments.
By adapting the practice to each individual’s needs we feel there is a greater opportunity for pain-free practice.
Ron and Marla endeavour to give detailed information about mis-alignment that could lead to injuries, in addition to the form of the series. This is why we call it Mysore Enhanced.
Our pledge to our students is that you will always be treated with kindness, respect and intelligence.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes in the 2nd chapter, specific obstacles that we encounter on the yogic path, both mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and gives techniques to help removes them.
In this workshop we will explore through discussion, sutra chanting, and meditation what theses “klesha’s” or obstacles are, and the specific actions or “kriyas” that Patanjali prescribes to face these challenges head-on through clear perception and meditation.

By understanding the structure of the hand, the arm and the shoulder girdle, we can learn to support the weight of our bodies in various poses and develop an economy of movement and an efficiency of energy. Highlighting poses such as bakasana and tittibhasana, as well as tripod headstand as preparation for second series headstand.

Sunday 26.10.

MYSORE (See previous description)

In the yoga sutra’s, Patanjali describes the perfect asana as one that has the qualities of both stability (sthira) and ease (sukha). Not to take too literal a translation, but it is interesting that he lists stability before ease. In this workshop we will experience how building stability into our joints in poses creates the structural support that opens the door to ease in our practice. Finding stability in our shoulders we can not only limit injury to the joint but also find the means to open up the thoracic spine as a way of alleviating pressure in the lumbar spine. This allows our backbends to become much more balanced thereby increasing our ability to experience sukha (ease)

To summarize the effects of a complete yoga practice, we should arrive at a state of unified awareness. Finishing postures provide the perfect balance to the strong and challenging aspects of a full on Ashtanga yoga practice. They allow for an integration of the five koshas (bodies or sheaths)through a step down cooling process that ends sublimely with Shavasana. During this workshop we will explore techniques for safely sustaining poses like shoulderstand, plough, headstand and the fish pose, to maximize their benefits.

Quotes on the teachings of Ron Reid and Marla (Meenakshi Joy):

“Ron teaches with intelligence. His adjustments suit the individual needs of the students. I personally found his adjustments were the best I have received from any teacher. I have very high regard for him as an exceptional teacher.”
– Elizabeth Connolly, Yoga Teacher and teacher trainer

“When I think of a yogi, I think of Ron Reid. He teaches from what he has learned from his many years of practice, you can feel that. Even if you’ve been practicing for years and years he makes you feel curious and excited about yoga through his soft-spoken, humorous and extremely intelligent way of teaching. He knows the body and how it works and he teaches you how to keep it healthy. At the same time his classes are challenging and hot. He makes you want to move to Toronto!!”
– Kristin Leigh, yoga teacher and co-owner of The Shala yoga studio in New York.

“(Meenakshi)…Nothing short of a shower of blessings to be in her presence. Her teachings are full of light and wisdom generated from lifetimes of divine devotion. With a natural inner cadence, Meenakshi’s voice carefully guides you through asana sequences, while subtly setting your mind adrift into deeper peaceful contemplation. By far the best shavasana experience as she chants you into a state of final transcendence.
– Samantha McDonald, yoga teacher, writer

“You are truly the Goddess of song, Meenakshi. I feel a true teacher is one whose actions speak louder than words. I feel you embody this by how you humbly and humorously share your experience. You inspire me to stay committed to a practice of sitting still…that connecting with our true nature will be about transformation.”
– Karen Steele, teacher trainee grad

“Marla, I wanted to thank you with all my heart and soul for the experience you gave us today. It was beautiful, transcendental and unforgettable. I cannot begin to convey to you the sheer life-changing quality turning inward while practicing had on me. Connecting with the whole is something I have never really conceptualized until today. …Also, the chanting is incredible. You have a unique gift and I feel so blessed to be able to spend the few hours we have with you during this training. I had tears streaming down my face during our final chant. I found myself connected to a place within me that I had never been. So, thank you! I hope you realize the profound effect your sharing has on us!”
– Vanessa Kitchin, teacher training grad

“I was overwhelmed with Ron and Marla – his attention to the subtleties are incredible and so inspiring! I achieved so much more in just one
day. Their CD has been playing since I left – what a joy to have been with them.”
– Sonya in Oxford, England

“I truly so appreciate your sharing your gifts with such devotion and passion. You are each extremely rich and talented teachers. I feel so fortunate to be able to share in your bountiful gifts. Your family day class was like that, rich, warm, inspiring and authentic. And Ron always overwhelms my resistances and makes my lack of confidence pale in his never-ending patience and guidance. blessings,”
– Susan S.

“Ron, yesterday’s class was the BEST ever, for me. I’m addicted. My body aches for that class – and after!
I’ve been taking classes from you now for 10 years, off and on, since arriving in TO. I was turned onto yoga, peripherally, but you turned me INTO yoga. I’m grateful for your teaching, guidance and skill.”
– Angela B.

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