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The Healing Power of Pranayama – enhance your therapeutic breath

We are honored to welcome Sudhir Tiwari once again to teach the Pranayama-course in Helsinki 25-28.01.2018

Do not miss opportunity to join this course. You will be given your own pranayama-breathing exercises based on your pulse. Sudhir will take yogic pulse in the morning!

In Patanjali’s philosophy Pranayama means the extension of the life force, Prana, by controlling the breath. Pranayama deepens the concentration by calming down the nervous system which helps us to experience clarity with thoughts and emotions. When asanas primarily deal with the body, pranayama directly tackles the mind. Yoga believes the impact of the mind on the body is far greater than the body on the mind and hence the importance of Pranayama.

Pranayama is a direct way to experience the meditative state of mind and helps to become mindful in everyday action.

To realize and experience the beneficial effects of Pranayama practices, it is important that they are based on the techniques described in the authoritative and authentic yogic texts (like Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hathapradipika, Gheranda Samhita etc.)

The Helsinki workshop will be a in-depth journey to understand and experience the benefits of the traditional breathing techniques in our health and thinking. Sudhir will take a traditional pulse-reading for your personal pranayama practice.

Sudhir was brought up at Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute, in Lonavala, India amidst rich traditional yogic heritage of Swami Madhavdasji Maharaj, Swami Kuvalyanandaji and Swami Digambarji, a tradition kept alive by his father and a well known Pranayama master, Shri O. P. Tiwari. Sudhir travels all around the world conducting workshops in theory and practice of Yoga (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Chanting) and Ayurveda.


Thu-Sun early bird 280€ by Dec 20/ after that 300€
Sat&Sun early bird 230€ by Dec 20/ after that 250€

Course schedule (to be confirmed later)

Thursday: 17:30-19:30
Friday: 7:00-9:30 & 17:30-19:30
Saturday and Sunday: 8-10:30 & 12:30-15:30

The location will be announced later.

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